Feature Documentary directed by Nadia Szold

Featuring: Geoffrey Young, James Siena, Kenneth Goldsmith, Kirsten Deirup, Clark Coolidge, Sue Muskat, Phillip Knoll, Laura Chester, Ayler Young, Nicole Young

Edited by Navzad Dabu
Cinematography by Christian Huguenot
Music by Daniel Wright
Sound by Murray Trider and Aaron Mason
Music Edit by Scott Hirsch


An effervescent portrait of poet, publisher and gallerist Geoffrey Young, The Figures traverses the studios of artists & writers in his orbit as they dive into a freewheeling volley on the art making practice, lineages and the essence of time & language itself.


Geoffrey Young is an undeniable artist – in his life, conversation, and of course in his work. But he eschewed the traditional route of climbing the establishment ladder, instead operating parallel to the academic careerists. Yet he is no outsider artist. His thumb has always been on the pulse of the avant-garde, whether in art or poetry.

The Figures began as a small literary press but it continually charted new territory, championing one of the most influential movements in latter 20th century literature — “language poetry.” And The Geoffrey Young Gallery always shined a light on young artists just breaking onto the scene. Perhaps Geoffrey Young is the ultimate “insider artist.” A true poet’s poet. Certainly a significant figure worthy of a closer look.

But what's a portrait of Geoffrey Young without the figures in his life? The full range of color in this documentary is derived from the many artists and writers who contextualize Geoffrey Young. In verité fashion, we traverse the studios of James Siena, Carroll Dunham, Kirsten Deirup, Sue Muskat and Phil Knoll. We speak with poets, Peter Gizzi, Joanna Drucker and Clark Coolidge, going from the Berkshire home of author Laura Chester to the Manhattan apartment of conceptual poet Kenneth Goldsmith.

Young's enthusiasm for painting and “the word” is one of great stamina — consider the 135 books of poetry he published; 120 art exhibits featuring over 500 artists, as well as 40 of his own poetry chapbooks, soon to be published in a large book of Selected Writings.

Geoffrey Young continually props others up, but is himself hiding in plain sight — a poet alive with wit and depth, whose generosity of spirit reflects his philosophy that in order for art to find its resonance, it must be shared.

Runtime 1hr 20mins
Artwork in Poster by Geoffrey Young



Assembled from never before seen footage shot in 1983, this film documents controversial Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt's unlikely bid for the White House after a gunman's bullet left him partially paralyzed.
Director: Nadia Szold
Writers: Tchavdar Georgiev | Nadia Szold
Cast: Larry Flynt, Althea Flynt, Jerry Falwell, Timothy Leary, Frank Zappa



MARIAH (2015, 1hr20min)


A Western noir about a freelance journalist who rolls into a small Mexican town to cover the cartel battles--but instead falls for the ex-wife of the town's mayor and gets drawn into her own private war.
Director: Nadia Szold
Writers: Evan Louison, Nadia Szold
Stars: Dakota O'Hara, Evan Louison, Thomas le Noir


JOY DE V. (2013, 1hr24min)

An expressionistic, gritty look at the intersection of madness and love that follows a young con artist who wakes up to discover his pregnant wife is missing.
Director: Nadia Szold
Writer: Nadia Szold
Cast: Evan Louison, Josephine de la Baume, Iva Gocheva, Victoria Imperioli, Claudia Cardinale

A film with wisdom, humor, and a fully developed, dazzling sense of style. It’s impossible to fully pin down: like a Persian rug, its pleasures come as much from the beautifully designed details as from the piece as a whole.” Paul Sbrizzi | Hammer to Nail